Bill Stoneman, Interim Garden Coordinator, Organic Guidance: Bill has worked as a professional in the Organic Horticulture industry, and has a wealth of knowledge to share with gardeners.
Cyndy White, School Gardens: Cyndy is the Environmental Education Coordinator for grades K–12 in the McFarland School District. She coordinates the School Gardens & brings over 200 youth to the Community Garden each spring, summer and fall. A couple of the Garden Programs are the 1st & 2nd Grade Three Sisters Legacy Project, as well as, developing summer youth programs through MRAP (McFarland Recreation, Activities and Play).
Judith Adrian & Chris Olgren, Ornamental Gardens. Judith and Chris have been gardening with the McFarland Community Garden since our first season, and have taken on the coordination and care of our ornamental flower beds. The flower beds are aesthetically pleasing, and also serve to attract a variety of pollinators to our gardens.

Tim Kelley, a 25-year resident of McFarland and MCG gardener since it began, can assist with equipment (tillers, mower) and garden tools.